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![[Post New]](/templates/homeinspectionforum/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 05/15/2015 07:28 PM EDT
Michael Altizer
Joined: 10/31/2014 06:20 PM EDT
Messages: 1154
Testimonial of P. Nathan Thornberry’s Book Change Up Chapter 10 (What’s In Your Bank Account Doesn’t Matter)
I have learned a lot about gold and investments from reading pages 90-102. I do not doubt P. Nathan Thornberry for a split second when he says that your Home Inspection Business is a better return on investment than any other form of investing. I knew almost twenty years ago that there was something magical about this business. This chapter is no different than any other in any of Nathan’s books (He is still doing the math). Nathan provides three steps at the end of this chapter to help maximize your ROI (Return On Investment).
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 05/19/2015 04:45 PM EDT
![[Post New]](/templates/homeinspectionforum/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 05/15/2015 07:29 PM EDT
Michael Altizer
Joined: 10/31/2014 06:20 PM EDT
Messages: 1154
Testimonial of P. Nathan Thornberry’s Book Change Up Chapter 11 (Debt Doesn’t Matter)
The topic of religion and human values are mentioned throughout pages 103-109, which shocked me at first, until I kept reading. When Nathan says that “Debt Doesn’t Matter” he is talking about being responsible while acquiring debt. He continues talking about lenders extending business credit to you. Creating a relationship with the top people at banks is a great idea, according to P. Nathan Thornberry. He gives some great advice on business formation and what banks / lenders are looking for. I will definitely keep coming back as much as I need to review this chapter, as it is probably the most powerful chapter in this book. Thanks again Nathan, “this book rocks.”
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 05/19/2015 04:46 PM EDT
![[Post New]](/templates/homeinspectionforum/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 05/15/2015 07:29 PM EDT
Michael Altizer
Joined: 10/31/2014 06:20 PM EDT
Messages: 1154
Testimonial of P. Nathan Thornberry’s Book Change Up Chapter 12 (No Excuses)
I am convinced after reading pages 110-127 that P. Nathan Thornberry is part math teacher, and part vendor. I guess that I am now a student of the game reviewing the entire math in Nathan’s books and going back and forth from chapter to chapter, trying to put his advice to use. Nathan provides us with a 26-step plan, that I am working on every chance that I get, to become one of P. Nathan Thornberry’s next success stories. Maybe I will be in Nathan’s next book: “Starving” – A story of one Home Inspector’s Journey to the Top.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 05/19/2015 04:47 PM EDT
![[Post New]](/templates/homeinspectionforum/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 05/15/2015 07:30 PM EDT
Michael Altizer
Joined: 10/31/2014 06:20 PM EDT
Messages: 1154
Testimonial of P. Nathan Thornberry’s Book Change Up Chapter 13 (Success Has Consequences)
In pages 128-144, Nathan starts with saying that, I will be sued multiple times on my way to the top (That is very comforting to hear). Well, I have came this far in his book, so I am not going to stop now. After reading this book, I now go clean-shaven. Summing it all up, people hate those who are more successful than they are. Nathan Thornberry suggests a clear legal strategy, if certain people view you as a threat. I am finished with this review, and I am putting Nathan’s strategies to work. Testimonial of P. Nathan Thornberry’s Book Change Up Chapter 13 (Success Has Consequences)
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 05/19/2015 04:48 PM EDT
![[Post New]](/templates/homeinspectionforum/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 05/15/2015 07:30 PM EDT
Michael Altizer
Joined: 10/31/2014 06:20 PM EDT
Messages: 1154
Testimonial of P. Nathan Thornberry’s Book Change Up (A GUIDE TO GOING BIG) Chapter's 1-13
Testimonial of P. Nathan Thornberry’s Book Change Up Chapter 1 (Killer Instinct)
This chapter starts with the differences between being a Home Inspector and being a Home Inspection Business owner. Pages 7-16 talk about drive, ambition and purpose, and responsibility. Nathan Thornberry lists ten things in order on how to move to the next level. After reading this chapter, I am well on my way to start to take over many of my competitors, in the marketplace. I had to write down my positions in the Home Inspection business, as part of one of Nathan’s assignments. I honestly examined all of my strengths’ and weaknesses, and had to list my position on each one (Love It, Like It, Hate It). To make a long story short, it pays to be physically fit, wake up early, read a lot, and to put the right stuff, in your body. I can easily say that I do 3 of the 4 religiously and I am striving to make it all 4.
Testimonial of P. Nathan Thornberry’s Book Change Up Chapter 2 (I’m Fired )
After reading pages 17-27, I think that sometimes I have bitten off much more than I can chew. This is where I went back to Chapter 1 (Killer Instinct) and made some changes. I admit that according to Nathan Thornberry’s Book Change Up, that I am weak in a couple of areas. Honestly, I would love to have a seven-figure income and P. Nathan Thornberry, says that if I apply these strategies taught in both books Hungrier 2nd Edition and Change Up, A Guide To Going Big, that it will happen. Once again, I had to write down each one of my positions in the Home Inspection business, as another one of Nathan’s assignments. This time I had to rank 1-12, all of my strengths’ and weaknesses, and had to list my position on each one (Love It, Like It, Hate It). Agreeing with Nathan, I would have to fire myself from certain positions and hire someone who is more suited for the job description, for my business to really thrive.
Testimonial of P. Nathan Thornberry’s Book Change Up Chapter 3 (Move – Get Out The Way)
Pages 28-37 talk about this person that Nathan hired (a great roofer). This man helped P. Nathan Thornberry, to make a lot of money. Nathan Thornberry had to fire the man because of the roofer’s use of cocaine. To summarize …. One ad in the yellow pages of the phone book, and a very large hailstorm, and Nathan stepping out of the way, changed everything, and helped Nathan to make a lot of money. Nathan continues advising us on ways that we can get in the way and gives sound advice on when and why we should sometimes step aside.
Testimonial of P. Nathan Thornberry’s Book Change Up Chapter 4 (Time is Your Enemy)
Pages 38-49 talk about time. Nathan gives advice on how to get where you are going faster. He suggests not letting anyone stand in your way of getting things accomplished. Nathan goes on to give advice on how to go faster without getting a speeding ticket. I will agree with Mr.Thornberry’s statement that we as Home Inspectors / Entrepreneurs probably care about people more than anyone else does. Nathan made a huge mistake by hiring this man named: Dominic who turned into a problem, so Nathan let him go. I am going to start Outsourcing, as Nathan suggested. I thought that P. Nathan Thornberry worked a lot of math in his book: Hungrier 2nd Edition. Well here again Nathan Thornberry’s math comes into play in Change Up, A Guide To Going Big.
Testimonial of P. Nathan Thornberry’s Book Change Up Chapter 5
(The Shorter Your Outlook, The Less Successful You Will Be)
We learn that Facebook is our friend and not our enemy in pages 50-57. InterNACHI’s founder Nick Gromicko is spoke highly of by Nathan Thornberry, in several pages of this chapter. I am working on building my business every single day (7 days a week, 365 days a year). This chapter is helping me by having a much bigger outlook than my competition (Thanks Nathan Thornberry, for getting me thinking at a much higher level). Sometimes I feel like that I am living the words from the song “Under Pressure” from the rock band Queen. Even though I may be “Under Pressure,” I cannot forget the words from one of my favorite songs from the rock band Fleetwood Mac: “Don't stop thinking about tomorrow.”
Testimonial of P. Nathan Thornberry’s Book Change Up Chapter 6 (Your Fees Are Not What You Are Worth)
Here is where P. Nathan Thornberry and I have not always seen eye to eye. Pages 58-66 could very well indicate that the most important part about this business would be making more money. As I previously stated in a Testimonial of P. Nathan Thornberry’s Book Hungrier 2nd Edition Chapter 13 (Pricing Yourself Out of the Market), He and I have went over the issue of pricing countless times back and forth with each other. When I started performing Home Inspections the going rate was around $300.00 in a good market. Almost 18 years later, Nathan Thornberry comes along and says: “No Michael, You are doing it all wrong. Start your pricing at $225.00 and include Recall Check and the 90 Day Warranty as a minimum for your USP.” After hearing that my ego was the problem, I got a little upset. Nathan works his math again and suddenly I understand what it is that he has been trying to tell me all along. I am going back and forth from Chapter 4 (Time is Your Enemy) to Chapter 6 (Your Fees Are Not What You Are Worth). I believe that this is just a short chapter on economics 101.
Testimonial of P. Nathan Thornberry’s Book Change Up Chapter 7 (Working Is A Losing Proposition)
Pages 67-73 are a few pages that talk about the greats from John D. Rockefeller, and Bill Gates, to Steve Jobs, and Henry Ford. Nathan is making me dizzy from going back and forth between this chapter and Chapter 1 (Killer Instinct) and Chapter 2 (I’m Fired). Mr. Thornberry tries making up for that by telling a joke at the end of the chapter (funny guy).
Testimonial of P. Nathan Thornberry’s Book Change Up Chapter 8 (The Customer Is Never Right)
I have never viewed the movie Pulp Fiction as the chapter goes on to talk about in pages 74-81. I understand where Nathan Thornberry is going with this story. Always make the customer feel as if they are always in the right, even when they are not (understood). I am in a little different mindset than this chapter suggests. I believe that if you provide something that your clients absolutely love, and then keep providing it.
Testimonial of P. Nathan Thornberry’s Book Change Up Chapter 9 (When In Doubt, Write A Check)
I have never read a chapter like this; it was a first for me. Pages 82-89 talk about being prepared to handle both the business side and the liability of a complaint. I did not realize that Nathan had been to court so many times. Even when it comes to situations in a courtroom, Nathan Thornberry is still doing the math. I short this chapter pretty much says: What is my time worth? I love Nathan’s advice on hiring an attorney to show up. Nathan, just to let you know: I have logged into my Recall check account, downloaded the complaint form, and started customizing it. Thanks for this chapter Nathan Thornberry; it has been one of my favorites in this book so far.
Testimonial of P. Nathan Thornberry’s Book Change Up Chapter 10 (What’s In Your Bank Account Doesn’t Matter)
I have learned a lot about gold and investments from reading pages 90-102. I do not doubt P. Nathan Thornberry for a split second when he says that your Home Inspection Business is a better return on investment than any other form of investing. I knew almost twenty years ago that there was something magical about this business. This chapter is no different than any other in any of Nathan’s books (He is still doing the math). Nathan provides three steps at the end of this chapter to help maximize your ROI (Return On Investment).
Testimonial of P. Nathan Thornberry’s Book Change Up Chapter 11 (Debt Doesn’t Matter)
The topic of religion and human values are mentioned throughout pages 103-109, which shocked me at first, until I kept reading. When Nathan says that “Debt Doesn’t Matter” he is talking about being responsible while acquiring debt. He continues talking about lenders extending business credit to you. Creating a relationship with the top people at banks is a great idea, according to P. Nathan Thornberry. He gives some great advice on business formation and what banks / lenders are looking for. I will definitely keep coming back as much as I need to review this chapter, as it is probably the most powerful chapter in this book. Thanks again Nathan, “this book rocks.”
Testimonial of P. Nathan Thornberry’s Book Change Up Chapter 12 (No Excuses)
I am convinced after reading pages 110-127 that P. Nathan Thornberry is part math teacher, and part vendor. I guess that I am now a student of the game reviewing the entire math in Nathan’s books and going back and forth from chapter to chapter, trying to put his advice to use. Nathan provides us with a 26-step plan, that I am working on every chance that I get, to become one of P. Nathan Thornberry’s next success stories. Maybe I will be in Nathan’s next book: “Starving” – A story of one Home Inspector’s Journey to the Top.
Testimonial of P. Nathan Thornberry’s Book Change Up Chapter 13 (Success Has Consequences)
In pages 128-144, Nathan starts with saying that, I will be sued multiple times on my way to the top (That is very comforting to hear). Well, I have came this far in his book, so I am not going to stop now. After reading this book, I now go clean-shaven. Summing it all up, people hate those who are more successful than they are. Nathan Thornberry suggests a clear legal strategy, if certain people view you as a threat. I am finished with this review, and I am putting Nathan’s strategies to work.
This message was edited 16 times. Last update was at 05/19/2015 04:57 PM EDT
![[Post New]](/templates/homeinspectionforum/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 05/15/2015 07:32 PM EDT
Michael Altizer
Joined: 10/31/2014 06:20 PM EDT
Messages: 1154
Certified Alarm Inspector Testimonial
Nathan, I would like to say thanks to you, Tim, Michael Doerr, and William (Bill) Gustafson for helping to add the Alarm Inspection Certification add to my credentials. I learned a lot and a week later, I had my certificate mailed to me. I was provided with a Standards of Practice and an Alarm System Inspection Template for my business. You guys "Rock". I'm very proud to say that I am the only Home Inspector in Southwest Virginia, that can offer Alarm Inspections. Certified Alarm Inspection Professional, sounds so good.
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This message was edited 6 times. Last update was at 05/20/2015 06:56 PM EDT
![[Post New]](/templates/homeinspectionforum/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 05/15/2015 07:33 PM EDT
Michael Altizer
Joined: 10/31/2014 06:20 PM EDT
Messages: 1154
Nathan’s Residential Warranty Services are awesome. No matter what side of the transaction you are on, the services benefit everyone.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 05/23/2015 06:36 AM EDT
![[Post New]](/templates/homeinspectionforum/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 05/15/2015 07:33 PM EDT
Michael Altizer
Joined: 10/31/2014 06:20 PM EDT
Messages: 1154
I will definitely be adding more products and services, over the coming months. Thanks P. Nathan Thornberry and Residential Warranty Services.
This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 05/23/2015 06:35 AM EDT
![[Post New]](/templates/homeinspectionforum/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 05/15/2015 07:34 PM EDT
Michael Altizer
Joined: 10/31/2014 06:20 PM EDT
Messages: 1154
Who is Michael Wayne Altizer, Anyway?
Well, as far as being a Home Inspector goes ..... it all started 17 and 1/2 years ago. A lot of Home Inspectors hold the title of Certified, which is great, but if you look below you will read: REGISTERED HOME INSPECTOR. Not everyone can say that. Not to "Toot" my own horn but I have more certifications than a couple of you put together. This is my competitive edge over my competition. Don't get me wrong, I respect each and every one of you. I'm just saying that I've been around for a couple of years. The bottom 4 Diploma's are my foundation in the Home Inspection Industry. Two pretty good years of inspecting from 1998-2000, and then I went into the United States Army as a Combat Medic (but that's another story). I didn't get rich, but I never tried.
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This message was edited 20 times. Last update was at 05/20/2015 08:28 PM EDT
![[Post New]](/templates/homeinspectionforum/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 05/15/2015 07:56 PM EDT
William Chandler
Joined: 06/23/2014 04:28 AM EDT
Messages: 1358
Location: Florida
The folks at RWS are very nice and incredibly cute.
Property360, LLC
ASHI Certified Inspector
Certified Master Inspector
"Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but not their own facts"
![[Post New]](/templates/homeinspectionforum/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 05/15/2015 10:46 PM EDT
Ryan Kadow
Joined: 01/27/2015 01:19 PM EST
Messages: 10
Location: Port Moody, BC
Inspector Services Group has everything a professional home inspector could ever need. Great, knowledgeable staff, services no one else offers and products that make running and growing your business a breeze.
Above Grade Home Inspections Inc.
License #56437
![[Post New]](/templates/homeinspectionforum/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 05/19/2015 01:26 AM EDT
Joined: 06/17/2014 09:32 PM EDT
Messages: 5253
Location: Carmel, IN
Bump...great stuff so far! We're ten days away, quite a few entries but anyone's game, and Altizer has something cookin'...anything can happen!
When this one is done another contest will ensue courtesy of !!
P. Nathan Thornberry
Connect with Nathan at |
![[Post New]](/templates/homeinspectionforum/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 05/19/2015 09:41 AM EDT
Michael Altizer
Joined: 10/31/2014 06:20 PM EDT
Messages: 1154
Nathan wrote:Bump...great stuff so far! We're ten days away, quite a few entries but anyone's game, and Altizer has something cookin'...anything can happen!
When this one is done another contest will ensue courtesy of !!
I wish everyone luck. I'm going to be honest with you, this would help to change my life for the better. Using the Law of Attraction as Pete Campbell has been teaching me ever since November 2014, I already see myself in possession of the thermometer. I am visualizing the package arriving and see myself opening it. I have the biggest smile on my face as I'm writing you another review.
I see myself dropping to my knees, thanking the good Lord for the thermometer, Nathan Thornberry and all of my friends here on this message board. The thermometer will not be boxed up or on a shelf, as I will use this daily over the next 5-10 years. I see myself taking the temperature readings after I open up the dead fronts and recording temps on various things, such as the HVAC and in attics, etc.
I will be happy and congratulate anyone who is fortunate enough to win this. I really wish one of the following four, to win this awesome Flir product:
Michael Altizer, Pete Campbell, William Chandler, Edward J Rossi.
Thanks for everything that you do for us Nathan.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 05/19/2015 10:51 AM EDT
![[Post New]](/templates/homeinspectionforum/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 05/20/2015 10:20 PM EDT
Joined: 06/17/2014 09:32 PM EDT
Messages: 5253
Location: Carmel, IN
After much consideration, I will be sending out two State of the Art IR Imaging Thermometers. One to Michael Altizer, and one to the drawing winner.
Just fill in those blank posts Michael
Keep them coming. Every testimonial is an entry and we're only days away!
One thing to note: I will post these testimonials on very high traffic websites. Many will link back to you. Even if you don't win the TG165, you still win!
P. Nathan Thornberry
Connect with Nathan at |
![[Post New]](/templates/homeinspectionforum/images/icon_minipost_new.gif) 05/20/2015 10:28 PM EDT
Ryan Kadow
Joined: 01/27/2015 01:19 PM EST
Messages: 10
Location: Port Moody, BC
Nathan, this is why you rock and your products are awesome.
I can't see myself ever not using your products.
Nathan wrote:After much consideration, I will be sending out two State of the Art IR Imaging Thermometers. One to Michael Altizer, and one to the drawing winner.
Just fill in those blank posts Michael
Keep them coming. Every testimonial is an entry and we're only days away!
One thing to note: I will post these testimonials on very high traffic websites. Many will link back to you. Even if you don't win the TG165, you still win!
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 05/20/2015 10:29 PM EDT
Above Grade Home Inspections Inc.
License #56437