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Joined: 10/21/2014 06:28 PM EDT
Messages: 242
Location: Rhode Island

We've been using recall chek along with the 90 day warrantee for a couple years now. These products give my company the edge and allow us to be the premier inspection firm in the area. Thanks Nate and ISG!

The best thing about these products is realtors like that I give them to the client, they help the agents shine which creates more referrals in the future.

Mike Auger, CMI
Patriot Property Inspections
RI Home Inspector
RI Reg. # 32856
RI Radon Lic. # RMC-142 RMB-096
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Michael Altizer

Joined: 10/31/2014 06:20 PM EDT
Messages: 1154

Testimonial of P. Nathan Thornberry’s Book Change Up Chapter 5 (The Shorter Your Outlook, The Less Successful You Will Be)

We learn that Facebook is our friend and not our enemy in pages 50-57. InterNACHI’s founder Nick Gromicko is spoke highly of by Nathan Thornberry, in several pages of this chapter. I am working on building my business every single day (7 days a week, 365 days a year). This chapter is helping me by having a much bigger outlook than my competition (Thanks Nathan Thornberry, for getting me thinking at a much higher level). Sometimes I feel like that I am living the words from the song “Under Pressure” from the rock band Queen. Even though I may be “Under Pressure,” I cannot forget the words from one of my favorite songs from the rock band Fleetwood Mac: “Don't stop thinking about tomorrow.”

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 05/19/2015 04:40 PM EDT

Kris Svendsen

Joined: 06/22/2014 08:52 PM EDT
Messages: 337
Location: Dallas, TX

When I decided to become a Professional Real Estate Inspector, I knew I had to take out as much of the learning curve of owning a business as possible as quickly as possible. Although I was already versed in construction, I knew there was a lot more to creating a successful home inspection business. I wasn't sure what that was until I stumbled upon a video of Nathan. That video led me through a sequence of events that not only shaped my definition of a successful home inspection business, but also helped me understand what needed to be done to get there. As a result, I've been able to compress decades of other's trial and error into a very short time which has given my business triple digit growth results. It would have taken years to put all the pieces together, but with the services, support, and material Inspector Services Group offers I'm able to do it in less time with less effort.

Kris Svendsen
Viking Inspections
Professional Real Estate Inspector, TREC #20511
Certified Level III Infrared Thermographer #10829
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Kris Svendsen

Joined: 06/22/2014 08:52 PM EDT
Messages: 337
Location: Dallas, TX

The bottom line is that with the 100 Day Structural and Mechanical Warranty from Inspector Services Group, Viking Inspections can provide to our clients the added value that sets us apart from the competition...period.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 05/15/2015 04:38 PM EDT

Kris Svendsen
Viking Inspections
Professional Real Estate Inspector, TREC #20511
Certified Level III Infrared Thermographer #10829
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Kris Svendsen

Joined: 06/22/2014 08:52 PM EDT
Messages: 337
Location: Dallas, TX

With RecallChek from Inspector Services Group, Viking Inspections can give our clients the short and long term care and protection they deserve. This is just one of many ways we continue to work for our clients even after the job is done.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 05/15/2015 04:39 PM EDT

Kris Svendsen
Viking Inspections
Professional Real Estate Inspector, TREC #20511
Certified Level III Infrared Thermographer #10829
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Kris Svendsen

Joined: 06/22/2014 08:52 PM EDT
Messages: 337
Location: Dallas, TX

With SewerGard from Inspector Services Group, Viking Inspections can provide additional protection to our clients for underground sewer and water line issues. Agents love the fact we can offer this extra protection for areas we can't normally see.

Kris Svendsen
Viking Inspections
Professional Real Estate Inspector, TREC #20511
Certified Level III Infrared Thermographer #10829
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Kris Svendsen

Joined: 06/22/2014 08:52 PM EDT
Messages: 337
Location: Dallas, TX

Nathan's book, "The Hungry Home Inspector", was my first real dive into understanding the ins and outs of a home inspection business. It was an eye opener to so many aspects of the business that, after reading it, many pieces to the puzzle fell into place. For me, it literally told me what I was going to need to do over the next 1, 2, even 5 years to grow my business to incredible levels. It was an incredible and information packed book.

Kris Svendsen
Viking Inspections
Professional Real Estate Inspector, TREC #20511
Certified Level III Infrared Thermographer #10829
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Michael Altizer

Joined: 10/31/2014 06:20 PM EDT
Messages: 1154

Another Testimonial - See the Testimonial below:

P. Nathan Thornberry has become the "Go To Guy" for clients who seek his advice to solve problems.
[Thumb - Testimonial 1.JPG]
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This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 05/19/2015 05:09 PM EDT

Michael Altizer

Joined: 10/31/2014 06:20 PM EDT
Messages: 1154

And Yet Another Testimonial - See the next Testimonial below:

P. Nathan Thornberry has developed a loyal customer base and a high rate of repeat business.
[Thumb - Testimonial 2.JPG]
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This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 05/19/2015 05:11 PM EDT

Michael Altizer

Joined: 10/31/2014 06:20 PM EDT
Messages: 1154

Another Testimonial - See another Testimonial below:

I finally finished reading Nathan's "Change Up" book and all that I can say is Wow. I will definitely read this book again and again and implement the strategies from this book and hungrier.
[Thumb - Testimonial 3.JPG]
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This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 05/19/2015 05:16 PM EDT

Michael Altizer

Joined: 10/31/2014 06:20 PM EDT
Messages: 1154

Positive Testimonial - See the positive Testimonial below:

I am a 5 year member of InterNACHI, where I first had any dealings with Mr. P. Nathan Thornberry. All of my dealings have been positive.
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This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 05/19/2015 05:19 PM EDT

Michael Altizer

Joined: 10/31/2014 06:20 PM EDT
Messages: 1154

Testimonial of P. Nathan Thornberry’s Book Change Up Chapter 6 (Your Fees Are Not What You Are Worth)

Here is where P. Nathan Thornberry and I have not always seen eye to eye. Pages 58-66 could very well indicate that the most important part about this business would be making more money. As I previously stated in a Testimonial of P. Nathan Thornberry’s Book Hungrier 2nd Edition Chapter 13 (Pricing Yourself Out of the Market), He and I have went over the issue of pricing countless times back and forth with each other. When I started performing Home Inspections the going rate was around $300.00 in a good market. Almost 18 years later, Nathan Thornberry comes along and says: “No Michael, You are doing it all wrong. Start your pricing at $225.00 and include Recall Check and the 90 Day Warranty as a minimum for your USP.” After hearing that my ego was the problem, I got a little upset. Nathan works his math again and suddenly I understand what it is that he has been trying to tell me all along. I am going back and forth from Chapter 4 (Time is Your Enemy) to Chapter 6 (Your Fees Are Not What You Are Worth). I believe that this is just a short chapter on economics 101.

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 05/19/2015 04:41 PM EDT

Michael Altizer

Joined: 10/31/2014 06:20 PM EDT
Messages: 1154

Testimonial of P. Nathan Thornberry’s Book Change Up Chapter 7 (Working Is A Losing Proposition)

Pages 67-73 are a few pages that talk about the greats from John D. Rockefeller, and Bill Gates, to Steve Jobs, and Henry Ford. Nathan is making me dizzy from going back and forth between this chapter and Chapter 1 (Killer Instinct) and Chapter 2 (I’m Fired). Mr. Thornberry tries making up for that by telling a joke at the end of the chapter (funny guy).

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 05/19/2015 04:42 PM EDT

Michael Altizer

Joined: 10/31/2014 06:20 PM EDT
Messages: 1154

Testimonial of P. Nathan Thornberry’s Book Change Up Chapter 8 (The Customer Is Never Right)

I have never viewed the movie Pulp Fiction as the chapter goes on to talk about in pages 74-81. I understand where Nathan Thornberry is going with this story. Always make the customer feel as if they are always in the right, even when they are not (understood). I am in a little different mindset than this chapter suggests. I believe that if you provide something that your clients absolutely love, and then keep providing it.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 05/19/2015 04:43 PM EDT

Michael Altizer

Joined: 10/31/2014 06:20 PM EDT
Messages: 1154

Testimonial of P. Nathan Thornberry’s Book Change Up Chapter 9 (When In Doubt, Write A Check)

I have never read a chapter like this; it was a first for me. Pages 82-89 talk about being prepared to handle both the business side and the liability of a complaint. I did not realize that Nathan had been to court so many times. Even when it comes to situations in a courtroom, Nathan Thornberry is still doing the math. I short this chapter pretty much says: What is my time worth? I love Nathan’s advice on hiring an attorney to show up. Nathan, just to let you know: I have logged into my Recall check account, downloaded the complaint form, and started customizing it. Thanks for this chapter Nathan Thornberry; it has been one of my favorites in this book so far.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 05/19/2015 04:44 PM EDT

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